GP. Grammatica pratica della lingua italiana - For English speakers
GP. Grammatica pratica della lingua italiana is a grammar book for non-Italian-speaking students at A1 to C1 level. It is ideal for language courses or self-study.
It covers all the main structures found in Italian, analysing the most common using clear, simple language. The book has 60 units with grammar theory and practice, plus 60 tests. The theory pages always begin with a different kind of text, enabling students to see the structures in context.
Communicating while understanding and producing texts requires communicative situations and functions and vocabulary as well as grammatical structures.
For this reason GP includes many dialogues and other text types as well as listening activities. Students can therefore focus and reflect on grammar structures, studying them in practice rather than just learning them. More complex theory and exercises are always indicated with special symbols.
GP is accompanied by a volume containing hundreds of extra exercises (in Italian). Additional interactive grammar activities and vocabulary games are also available online.